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In-house & Business

Jane Clemetson

Commercial Legal Director, Reach plc



Jane Clemetson is Commercial Legal Director at Reach plc, publishers of The Daily Mirror, Express, Daily Star, OK! Magazine and numerous regional titles and websites. Prior to that she founded a legal and business affairs consultancy which worked with many large companies including ITN, Trinity Mirror (now Reach), News International, Sony Music and EMI as well as many smaller ones, including advising on the transformation from traditional to digital media. An advocate of gender equality and diversity in law (and elsewhere), she is Education Officer for Reach’s internal Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Committee which seeks to achieve better levels of representation across Reach’s business. She was early enthusiast and advocate for the opportunities for tech to improve legal practice. A graduate of the LSE she is responsible for all commercial and contractual legal matters across Reach’s business, including advising on data protection. She also represents Reach on numerous industry bodies and committees.

Contribution to Legal Tech

At Reach where she set up and leads the Commercial Legal Department, she is working to introduce a bespoke AI enabled contract management system (CMS) to improve contracting procedures, permit greater management oversight, enable revenue to be increased by capturing the correct rights from contributors and as a source of truth for all contractual commitments of the business. The CMS has a self-service portal and empowers non-legally qualified colleagues, especially journalists, to conclude contracts via multiple platforms, including on their mobile phones. Part of her strategic vision is the introduction of a legal portal with information about the services that the in-house lawyers provide and which can be used by anyone who wishes to request legal assistance. An app is under consideration, as is the introduction of chatbots, to enable greater user-friendliness and encourage take up. Jane is an enthusiastic networker and is happy to share her substantial knowledge and experience and supports further adoption of legal tech at Reach and generally, to drive greater efficiencies and oversight and transform the way that legal services are delivered.

Other Winners

In-house & Business

Fiona Morris

Lead Counsel, Legal Technology and Innovation, Accenture



Fiona Morris is Lead Counsel, Innovation, and Technology at Accenture plc.  In her role, Fiona is responsible for strategy and oversight of legal innovation and technology programs for the benefit of 2800 in-house legal professionals supporting the Accenture business. 

Her recent projects include the 2-year design and global implementation of a Contract Lifecycle Management platform.  In the same timeframe, her team also introduced a self-service contract assembly offering for business users, as a complement to the in-house legal service.  Fiona is also a leader of the internal Accenture Legal Innovation Board, which fosters and funds grassroots innovation projects.  These have included the development of an automated document mark-up tool and the application of AI for effective extraction and management of obligations from signed contracts.  

Contribution to Legal Tech

Fiona is inspired by the potential that technology has to redefine the role of the lawyer.  But to unleash that potential, we have to challenge our existing norms and even review the fundamentals of risk.  One of Fiona’s key tenets is “simple is good”.  In other words, the first step in any innovation is to be bold in the stripping back process.  Only then should we move thoughtfully towards tech enablement. Over her 15 years at Accenture, Fiona has held roles as a Market Maker, negotiating major engagements with many of Accenture’s blue-chip clients.  Prior to her current strategy role, was Director of Legal Services for France, Benelux, and Nordics.  Fiona also has a keen interest in education and development, having devised and led two flagship legal training programs, delivered in more than 20 Accenture locations worldwide. Fiona speaks regularly on the topic of legal innovation and technology, both in industry forums and with Accenture’s clients.  Prior to joining Accenture, Fiona trained and practised at Clifford Chance LLP. 

Other Winners

In-house & Business

Ines Curtius

Contract Manager, Airbus Defence and Space

In-house & Business

Miriam Peñafiel Paez

Chief Project Officer, Bigle Legal



Over the course of her professional career, Miriam has been involved in many digital transformation projects and services for different clients and sectors in Barcelona and Washington D.C. As a Senior Project Manager she has helped her clients in several areas:  revising and streamlining processes; building new technology platforms; designing and implementing communication and training plans.

After more than 10 years in IT consultancy and services, she decided to join the startup scene as the Chief Project Officer at Bigle Legal, a company that offers a SaaS focused on legal document automation. Her purpose: Be part of the Legal Tech revolution. Contribute with her knowledge and previous experience to the transformation of the Legal Sector. 

Contribution to Legal Tech

At Bigle Legal, she is responsible for company-wide project-oriented operations and she is also deeply involved in product roadmap and development. As the main point of contact for all Bigle Legal clients, she has learned about their business, their pain-points, and their needs. Thanks to this, and her understanding of the IT world, she has become a key piece in the definition and implementation of an innovative document automation software completely tailored to the demands of the legal professionals. A tool that will allow them to boost productivity, reduce human error, improve client-lawyer relationship and, most importantly, enjoy a much better work-life balance.

Other Nominees

In-house & Business

Tara Waters

Partner, Head of Ashurst Advance Digital,

In-house & Business

Mariet Mezokh

Expert, Company PJSC “Mobile TeleSystems”



Mariet is an expert in the Centre of Legal Innovations, PJSC “Mobile Telesystems”. She is currently playing the leading role in the legal support of MTS StartUp Hub, recognized as the hub for the number one accelerator in the Russian Federation. She previously worked for IKEA group of companies in Russia, supporting IT department and negotiations on inter-company agreements. Mariet is holding Magister Juris degree from the University of Oxford, she was awarded HIll Foundation Scholarship for her outstanding scholarly achievements. Beyond the in-house work her interests lie in the sphere of education. She acted as a judge of Russian national Ph.C.Jessup International Moot Court rounds since 2016, as an arbitrator of Moscow Vis Pre-Moot and she is actively supporting Oxford Russia Fellowship, promoting social studies in Russia.

Contribution to Legal Tech

Mariet is coordinating legal support of MTS StartUp Hub in such areas as corporate accelerator, 5G Lab, international partnerships, and scouting. In this role, she led the team offering legal and seeking regulatory solutions for open banking software, voice assistants, and retail marketing tools. She paved the way for the use of tech solutions in order to simplify due diligence procedure enabling to maximize the number of startup projects assessed within the short period of the acceleration program. Currently, she is acting as the key expert for the launch of a platform allowing issues and circulation of digital rights, pioneering among a few other companies in the Russian Federation.

Other Nominees

In-house & Business

Sue McLean

Partner, Baker McKenzie



Sue McLean is a partner in Baker McKenzie’s Technology practice in London. Sue co-chairs Baker McKenzie’s FinTech group in London and co-leads the EMEA Financial Institutions Industry Group.
Sue has been advising on technology projects for over 20 years. She advises clients on a wide range of technology matters, including outsourcing, cloud, digital transformation, technology procurement, development and licencing, m/e-commerce, AI, blockchain and data privacy. Sue also advises on the commercial, technology and intellectual property aspects of M&A transactions and joint ventures. Her clients include some of the world’s best known tech companies and multinational corporations. She also enjoys working with emerging and growth companies.

Sue is ranked in Legal500 as a Next Generation Partner for IT & Telecoms and a Leading Lawyer for TMT and FinTech.
Sue is a trustee of the Society for Computers and Law and founder and chair of the SCL Women in Tech Law network.

Contribution to Legal Tech

Sue is one of Baker McKenzie’s Innovation Ambassadors. Sue regularly presents on legal tech and innovation to firm clients and colleagues at the firm.
Outside the firm, Sue actively supports innovation across the legal sector, in particular, as partner lead for the Barclays Eagle Labs LawTech hub. In the last 12 months, Sue has attended regular meetings with Barclays and the hub partners and supported a range of events, including appearing as a panelist at the Future of Women in Legal event in 2019. Sue has introduced various legal tech introduced via the hub to the firm’s innovation team.
Sue is also a member of the City of London’s LawTech sounding board. The board was created to gather views on how to increase the adoption of legal technology in the financial and professional services sector.
In her SCL role, Sue organized a legal tech panel at the SCL Annual Conference 2019 to highlight developments.

Other Nominees

In-house & Business

Amalia Arabella Vosteen

Contract Manager, dbh Logistics IT AG



“Legal Tech is more than legal and tech. It’s a passion!” This was Amalia’s drive to study Law in Marburg, Brussels, Tokyo and Bremen. Nowadays, as an in-house lawyer with national and international experience, she is focused on IT Law in a leading company for customs software and software for port solutions. Global Logistics is in these days even more important than ever before. Building up the contract department and being responsible for the whole contract management brings her into an important part of world globalization.

Contribution to Legal Tech

As the leading lawyer in-house, she quickly realized, that the company needed an instantly digital legal contract management but the change from paper to digital signature was unalterable. Implementing legal tech required a connecting link between the IT developer and user.

So Amalia selected, implemented and brought a Legal Contract Management (LCM by TQG) to life. She started working with DocuSign and saved in 6 months around 100 kg wood, more than 200 Liter water, around 200 Kilo CO2 and around 15 Kilo garbage: which is a small start for a better world! She has also mediated between different positions in the whole company. 

But bringing people via legal tech together is short-sighted. People need to understand that with raising technology, real and emotional communication face to face gets even more important than ever before. That’s why Amalia leads the internal communication board in her company. Software cannot be successfully implemented without a connecting link between the IT developers and users. Therefore Amalia has made it her business to pioneer the fast-paced business world to get people together not only bits and bytes. 

Other Winners

In-house & Business

Ines Curtius

Contract Manager, Airbus Defence and Space

In-house & Business

Dr. Hanna Herberz

Legal Counsel, Vaillant Group



Hanna has studied law at the University of Bonn. Since 2015, she has been a lawyer in a law firm in Cologne comprising around 100 professionals. She also worked for one of the world’s leading companies in life science, health and agriculture. Today, as legal counsel, Hanna is part of the Legal Department of Vaillant Group, a leader of high-efficiency heating, cooling and hot-water products and solutions.

Contribution to Legal Tech

As part of her work, Hanna advises core functions of Vaillant Group, in particular on contractual matters where she almost covers the entire life cycle of a contract. She is currently working on several Legal Tech projects. One example is the introduction of a robotic process automation tool in the areas of Compliance and Insurance. Furthermore, Hanna is implementing a contract generator which will enable users, for example in purchasing, to create and draft contracts more independently in the sense of self-service. At the same time, a workflow is to ensure that any necessary alignments are initiated, and approvals are obtained. In this way, the process of creating contracts shall be automated and standardised, making it clearer and more efficient for both users and Hanna and her colleagues.

Other Nominees

In-house & Business

Tara Waters

Partner, Head of Ashurst Advance Digital,

In-house & Business

Paulina Jeznach

Associate Legal Counsel (CEE), Google



Paulina is an associate legal counsel at Google supporting over 19 jurisdictions in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Paulina focuses on legal challenges related to implementation of innovative technologies. She has coordinated multiple regional litigations (especially on the protection of personal interests in the Internet) and privacy regulatory matters, as well as multijurisdictions product launches. One of her key areas of expertise is legal project management. She designs internal processes and procedures for some of the most complex legal topics for both CEE and at times the whole EMEA region.

She is a Harvard Business School alumna having completed the Program for Leadership Development (PLD 26 + Module 5) – HBS program for high potential leaders being an alternative to an executive MBA. Paulina is also an #IamRemarkable trainer.

Contribution to Legal Tech

Paulina supports constant development of legal project management systems in the CEE region, as well as helped implement a project aiming at smooth legal project management in +45 Sub-Saharan Africa markets while on rotation in Nairobi, Kenya.

In her free time, Paulina is an ambassador of an ambitious project of building a Polish e-sport startups community. She gladly supports entrepreneurial endeavours focused on new-tech with not only legal but also strategy and business development advice, being also an early-stage investor.

Other Winners

In-house & Business

Ines Curtius

Contract Manager, Airbus Defence and Space

In-house & Business

 Emilie Lorblanchet Ongaro 

Contracting Project Leader, Airbus UpNext



Combining business and legal background, Emilie has 10 years of experience with Accenture and Airbus UpNext. Her mission is to reimagine contracting experience with the goal to turn blind signed contracts into strategic business tools. She uses a multidisciplinary human centric approach including design and technology to promote change and innovation.

Emilie’s constant drive is to make contracting more accessible to users. “If contracting is to be optimised through technology, it must be optimised to meet the need of the individuals and organisations who actually use it”.

Contribution to Legal Tech

Emilie designed and implemented a “frictionless” end to end contracting model to enable open innovation and R&T partnership for Airbus Demonstrators shaping the future of aerospace by accelerating future technologies. The main challenges were to engage the project leaders with sometimes little contracting experience while covering a broad range of contracting needs.  The contracting workflow created a dynamic of transformation resulting in efficiency and autonomy for the projects.

Other Nominees

In-house & Business

Laura Rudnyanszky

Chief Legal and Compliance Officer, CPL, Teleperformance Romania



Laura is currently working as a Chief Legal and Compliance Officer and as a Country Privacy lead in Teleperformance Romania, where she is responsible for legal, compliance, security and privacy departments. As a past experience includes working as an Officer for the Romanian Special Telecommunication Services, a Governmental institution, learning the bases of telco technology and started to develop interest in Privacy Law. Her interest is to find more sustainable ways of working as In-House Counsel including technical solutions in the day-to-day lawyer life.

Contribution to Legal Tech

As a member of the Executive team, she advised on e-mobility related topics in the fields of legal, compliance, and privacy matters by changing mentalities, constantly looking for more quick and digitalized processes. On a daily basis, Laura supports the local team for legal sourcing matters, litigations, at the same time active contributor to litigation automation solutions. Some courts from Romania already use live (video conference) for court hearings.

Other Nominees