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Academia & Education

Silvia Martinelli

Researcher, Università degli studi di Milano



Silvia Martinelli is a lawyer of the Milan Bar Association, Researcher at the University of Milan and Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Turin. Graduated in Law at the University of Milan, specializing in “Legal Informatics”, she is also a Fellow of the Information Society Law Center (ISLC) of the University of Milan and Teaching Assistant in both Private Law (University of Turin) and Legal Informatics (University of Milan).

Contributions to Legal Tech

Silvia is a researcher on legal informatics, studying the use of new technologies for lawyers and the law of new technologies. She is the author of a Ph.D. Thesis on Platform Economy, studying the platform as a disruptive agent. She is a co-organizer and teacher of the Post-graduate course on “Legal tech, coding for lawyers, artificial intelligence and blockchain legal issues” and the Scientific organizer of the “Legal Tech and Legal Design Seminars” at the University of Milan.

She is also Member of the Editorial Committee of the Law Reviews “Ciberspazio e Diritto”, “Diritto, Mercato e Tecnologia” and “Diritto di Internet”, Fellow of the European Law Institute and of the Italian Academy of Internet Code, Member of the European Law & Tech Network. She has written scientific articles about legal informatics, e-commerce, freedom of expression online, control of the worker through new technologies, domain names, data protection, right to be forgotten, data portability, provider’s liability and platform economy.

She published a book about the right to be forgotten: “Diritto all’oblio e motori di ricerca. Memoria e privacy nell’era digitale“, Giuffrè, 2017 (“Right to be forgotten and search engines. Memory and privacy in the digital age”). 

Other Nominees

In-house & Business

Fiona Morris

Lead Counsel, Legal Technology and Innovation, Accenture