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Lieke Beelen

Founder, Visual Contracts

The Netherlands


With a background in Industrial Design Engineering (MSc. Design for Interaction at Delft University of Technology) Liekehas worked as a service/UX designer and researcher in many different contexts. Since 2015 she is focusing on the legal sector to create access to law and access to justice by facilitating lawyers and designers to work together from a Legal Design Thinking perspective. In June 2017 she launched the platform Visual Contracts which offers all the tools and materials to learn how to create visual contracts. With her team she is now developing a visual contract builder that makes visual contracts more accessible to a broader range of people.

Contribution to Legal Tech

With a legal design thinking approach Lieke pushes for legal tech to become more human centered. With her company Visual Contracts she helps change the mindset in legal innovation first towards a more human centered approach before focusing on the automation and technology element of legal tech innovation. This makes the visual contracts builder that her team is working on a unique tool in the legal tech industry, focused on user centricity and understandable legal content first.

Other Nominees

Academia & Education

Jolanda Rose

Founder, Digital Humanists & Lawtechrose