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Professional Services

Dr. Franziska Lietz

Executive Director, RGC Manager GmbH & Co. KG



Even during her studies, Franziska was fascinated by energy and environmental law. After her first position as a lawyer in this area, she decided to do a doctorate in energy law. The subject of power-to-gas required in-depth training in technical and economic conditions. Through the project work for the Clausthal University of Technology – regularly in collaboration with engineers, natural, economic, and social scientists – her special enthusiasm for interdisciplinary work and technology law has developed.

Contribution to Legal Tech

As executive director of the RGC Manager GmbH & Co. KG, she deals with the conception and design of digital legal service products – today regularly referred to under the keyword Legal Tech – in the area of ​​legal compliance. Today, one of the main areas of expertise in the law firm RITTER GENT COLLEGEN, which specializes in an energy-intensive industry, is the legal framework for electromobility. Other areas of her work are legal content management and content strategy as well as marketing in the broader sense, e.g. with digital tools developed by her company, such as content portals and apps.

Franziska has taken legal compliance to a new level in the areas of energy, environment and safety. The combination of automated individual flow of information to the customer via web-based compliance software, which includes a duty management, with individual legal advice from lawyers, where automation and artificial intelligence do not (yet) lead to the goal, is unique in this form.

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