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In-house & Business

Amalia Arabella Vosteen

Contract Manager, dbh Logistics IT AG



“Legal Tech is more than legal and tech. It’s a passion!” This was Amalia’s drive to study Law in Marburg, Brussels, Tokyo and Bremen. Nowadays, as an in-house lawyer with national and international experience, she is focused on IT Law in a leading company for customs software and software for port solutions. Global Logistics is in these days even more important than ever before. Building up the contract department and being responsible for the whole contract management brings her into an important part of world globalization.

Contribution to Legal Tech

As the leading lawyer in-house, she quickly realized, that the company needed an instantly digital legal contract management but the change from paper to digital signature was unalterable. Implementing legal tech required a connecting link between the IT developer and user.

So Amalia selected, implemented and brought a Legal Contract Management (LCM by TQG) to life. She started working with DocuSign and saved in 6 months around 100 kg wood, more than 200 Liter water, around 200 Kilo CO2 and around 15 Kilo garbage: which is a small start for a better world! She has also mediated between different positions in the whole company. 

But bringing people via legal tech together is short-sighted. People need to understand that with raising technology, real and emotional communication face to face gets even more important than ever before. That’s why Amalia leads the internal communication board in her company. Software cannot be successfully implemented without a connecting link between the IT developers and users. Therefore Amalia has made it her business to pioneer the fast-paced business world to get people together not only bits and bytes. 

Other Winners

Professional Services

Karol Valencia

Legal Project Leader, eID and Legal Designer & Dead of Innovation Affairs, Lawcus