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In-house & Business

 Emilie Lorblanchet Ongaro 

Contracting Project Leader, Airbus UpNext



Combining business and legal background, Emilie has 10 years of experience with Accenture and Airbus UpNext. Her mission is to reimagine contracting experience with the goal to turn blind signed contracts into strategic business tools. She uses a multidisciplinary human centric approach including design and technology to promote change and innovation.

Emilie’s constant drive is to make contracting more accessible to users. “If contracting is to be optimised through technology, it must be optimised to meet the need of the individuals and organisations who actually use it”.

Contribution to Legal Tech

Emilie designed and implemented a “frictionless” end to end contracting model to enable open innovation and R&T partnership for Airbus Demonstrators shaping the future of aerospace by accelerating future technologies. The main challenges were to engage the project leaders with sometimes little contracting experience while covering a broad range of contracting needs.  The contracting workflow created a dynamic of transformation resulting in efficiency and autonomy for the projects.

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