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Kamila Kurkowska

President of Women in Law Foundation & Polish Ambassador of ELTA



Kamila is an expert in implementing and executing marketing strategies and innovation within businesses, with previous experience gained in market-leading advisory companies on the Polish market.

A trailblazer of LegalTech initiatives in Poland, Kamila is the creator and President of The Women in Law Foundation, aiming at promoting the role of women in the legal industry, particularly in new technologies. Initiatives of the Foundation include meetups on trending topics within technology, a competition for the best master’s thesis joining law and technology for female students: “Law with a Technology Background”, and hosting webinars in cooperation with ELSA (European Law Students Association) on topics such as Artificial Intelligence or Blockchain. The Foundation also hosts a unique mentoring program for young women lawyers. 

Contribution to Legal Tech

Outside of her activities as President of the Foundation, Kamila takes part in and leads a variety of initiatives to highlight the importance of legal technology in the legal business. In 2020, these initiatives have included acting as a mentor and juror of the Global Legal Hackathon, teaching classes on LegalTech for attorney trainees at the Warsaw Bar Association, and conducting a webinar on PR in legal technology, with the participation of well-known journalists and legal disruptors.

In the upcoming 2020/2021 period, Kamila’s initiatives will also include acting as the Director of “LegalTech and Innovation in the Legal Industry” studies at SWPS University and launching a CEE LegalTech Hub, while continuing her activities as an ambassador of ELTA (European Legal Tech Association) for Poland. 

Other Nominees

Academia & Education

Jin Ye

Co-Founder and Member of Talking Legal Tech (Podcast) and Tools, Legal Tech Lab Cologne | Universität zu Köln


Anna Murk

annamurk.de, Founder LEGAL LAYMAN