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In-house & Business

Ines Curtius

Contract Manager, Airbus Defence and Space



“❤️4law+contracts+technology”: That was the reason for Ines Curtius, Contract Manager@Airbus Defence and Space to go to law school in Munich. She is a fully qualified lawyer with twenty years of experience in the Aerospace industry. Her focus areas are international business law, designing and delivering legal training, design thinking, driving, making things happen and the greater good.

Contribution to Legal Tech

Technology has always being part of Ines DNA, since the early beginnings in 1997 as an legal intern implementing a legal database until today, where she seeks to challenging and changing the way law and technology are used and considered. 

Back in 2005 the adventure of leveraging technology in the aerospace industry started for her, eg. supporting the design and implementation of a central contract archive, while holding the role of contract strategy manager for the space business area of Airbus, and since then, kept her curiosity growing on how technology can make law more accessible and better.

Perseverance, hard work and her love for law made her launch an Airbus wide initiative in 2017, “Contract Innovators@Airbus” to explore how digital transformation in all its forms is impacting the way Airbus handles its contractual relationships. 2 years later, in 2019, with a new legal product launched ”NDA simple for Start Ups”, the Contract Innovators represented by Ines, received the award “Innovation and Excellence for Strategic Direction” of the IACCM/WorldCC (international association of commercial & contract management; www.iaccm.com, today www.worldcc.com.)

Today, Ines together with Contract Innovators is working bottom up, on changing the way people see and value contracts at Airbus.

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Serena Ariello

Project Officer, European Lawyers in Lesvos


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