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Academia & Education

Doruntina Berisha

Student Assistant, University of Vienna



Doruntina Berisha started as a student assistant in 2017 at the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law at the Law School of Vienna. She is studying law and physics at the University of Vienna. In the fall semester 2019 she finished her exchange semester at the Santa Clara University in Silicon Valley (California, USA), where she specialized in IT-, IP and data protection law with a special focus on Artificial Intelligence and Legal Tech. She has published two chapters of a law text book on data protection and an article on IP law.

Contribution to Legal Tech

Doruntina created and hosted the most important online tool at Vienna’s law school for teaching during Covid-19 shutdown. This online platform „Survival Guide“ was built within 24 hours after the shutdown of the universities in Austria and provides guidelines in form of self-made videos, screencasts and text on how to successfully switch to online teaching and digital exams in times of Corona. After a week, more than 260 people (professors, teaching staff) had joined the platform, after a month it was further shared with several universities within and outside of Austria.

During her stay at the Santa Clara Law School in California Doruntina worked for Prof. Colleen V. Chien, leading a legal tech project as part of the „Second Chance Hackathon“ in Silicon Valley. She transformed expungement statutes of the US into if-conditions and provisions of basic Code for computer science students. The main goal was the automatization of the expungement process in the US..

As a student assistant of Prof. Nikolaus Forgó at the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law, Doruntina has also co-developed and managed the course „Legal Research“ which was probably the biggest mandatory online class with over 4000 law students at the University of Vienna. Apart from that she has also organized the Legal Tech Start Up Day in Vienna as well as the Legal Tech Hackathon, which aims to bring together law students and computer science students to develop new legal tech tools.

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